Games!I need new ps2 games badly!!!I almost wish i could do some homework because i am so bored.But hey!Whats that , its the ps3 coming to my rescue!

This tech toy would make my day when i play next-gen games on it.But it would cost me a bomb!Makes me almost want to place ideas of buying it into my drawer.Anyway, chances are i can't buy it unless i can do well in my exams.
Unless you are not a gamer like me, you would know that there a console war is about to break out soon.Its a triple threat match! Ps3 vs Xbox360 vs wii.
Who will win?I dunno , let those hyper game nerds out there decide.
(Hyper game nerds are those people who play games like counter strike or warcraft for a living and shout commands to teammates)
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