Sian...I wish facebook and twitter was never invented. Then I would see my friends on msn more often. I seriously miss the good old days of just seeing a friend on msn and just saying hi for no particular reason. Sometimes I just feel so lonely when I'm home cause I've got no friends to talk to. Sms feels weird to say Hi out of the blue, and conversations can get pretty dead pretty quickly :(
Tomorrow is the last written paper for alvls. Econs paper 2. Feeling pretty confident for it. Hope I can get A .
Been reading this really really good manga called Yankee-Kun to Megane-Chan. Seriously love it! It really makes me laugh and every chapter is so enjoyable. Too bad it hasn't been fully translated yet, even though the manga has already ended in japan. Sigh...

This has become my 2nd all-time favourite manga . One Piece is 1st of course. Holyland is 3rd.
Sigh...wish there was somebody I could share all my favourite mangas with, and disccuss with them all the stories and all. So rare...
I seriously wanna learn how to read japanese, so that I can read all the raw manga out there and not have to wait for ppl to translate them to english.
I spent the whole day reading Double Dexter instead of studying econs. The book is really good!
Can't wait for the next 3 days.
Tomorrow probably going out with friends after econs paper. If not I can always just go home and play Skyrim after I get it from chi ho.
Tuesday playing bball with the guys. Wah finally man...been so damn long since we played. Just hope it doesn't rain.
Wednesday, haha nothing much actually except wushu at night. Pretty sian that I probably can't finish what I'm learning by the time I go for NS.
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