Just woke up from my 3hours of sleep. Sigh...tmr still have to go for sjab bgi. Damn it. -.-
Today was a not bad day =)
Started out abit sian though. I nvr bring pe uniform to school, then realised i cannot wear pe uniform for assembly. So went to general office borrow long pants...got size 30, but was damn small! cannot sit down when i wore it.
In the end, almost everyone wore pe uniform and nth happen, so returned my pants la...
After that was ACES Day running! =D was quite fun seeing everyone give their 100% into the race! Ran with corrine toh and i took the bag. After 2nd round, and the final run, my butt became damn pain....lol wah so long nvr like this le.
After that we went back to class to make cards. I was missing for awhile becuz i went to help shaobin find blacksocks which i took from minghao. Helped give ideas for the card making for teacher's day. Took pictures too, but the camera not with me, so gotta wait for ppl to upload.
From left to right: Jun Jie, Lucas, Chi Seng, Me, David, Samuel Loh, Kaiyuan, Dickson and Miss Toh Peng Peng our mother tongue teacher.
Time sure flies, she almost couldn't recognize most of us but could rmb me and jun jie cuz she last time from zhonghua too. I love her lessons, though Mr Yang Bin's lessons are quite interesting too...just that I too lazy to listen , usually just wanna sleep. Miss Toh's lesson always talk about keben for 30% of the time only, 20% on the words, and 50% sidetracking to related topics. hahaha i still remember one time, we did okok for normal chinese test, but flunk our hcl test. Then in a fit of rage she scolded us ( which she did probably almost everyday...), then say we 冒牌货...dun deserve to be in hcl lesson.
I remember her giving us a slip of paper that had a quote:
Dunno when she gave it though, but I think I will keep it forever. 3 yrs past just like that...
I never really had the chance to meet my form teacher Mrs Naa ( dunno if i spelt it correctly)
She was a damn good teacher, give us so much knowledge during each lesson. All the interesting facts she gave us during lesson. Sigh nowadays in sch seldom got such stuff le, except maybe only during Mr Low's class. Mrs Naa is quite old, 50-60yrs old if i not wrong. hahaha i used to think she was in her 30s? and I heard she now got a few grand children le even! I wish I had the chance to meet her today, to show her how much I've changed =) she would probably remember my class , because we were her last form class i think, before she retired.
After that went to hougang mall to eat. Ate le then went to bball court near chi seng's house to play bball. by tat time our stomachs digest food le, so can play. Played awhile, then got one guy he wanted to play with us. lol wah he from sch team de sia. Damn pro. He can jump and touch the rim, but when i asked him if can dunk, he say cannot. haha luky he play fun fun with us.
We played till about 4, then went back home le. Thats pretty much my day...oh yea i almost forgot. When I went to sleep just now, hahaha i kept dreaming of Hersey's Chocolate Bar , then really got the taste! was about to eat my 3rd bar, when I woke up....lol.
I decided to go for the thailand trip. Asked my parents yesterday whether can go ornot, they were rather okay with it, after i told my mum tat almost everyone in 3e3 going. Sigh...after sch de shi hou my dad suddenly sms me , ask me whether can consider not going ornot becuz now thailand got alot of political problems, then he scared got another coup....then army come from the north or something.lol his theory la not mine.
Then today report book results also like shit, i dunno how to face my parents when they get back home later.....
I can only hope for the best.
Wow this is one long post.
I go do hw now, cya!
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