BGI today!
Today had the shock of my life when i open up my shoe bag....
Yep thats mould i think...last week bgi rehersal got tio alot of mud, then i nvr take out boots from shoe bag when i got home for 1 week. hahaha then become like that lor.
Bgi was soso la...tiring during the real thing. But was cool looking at the sunset. It was damn boring listening to the speeches...and waiting for command to come. So i kept looking at the sun set. Then damn cool! the cloud block the sun abit abit, then can see rays of light, just like heaven tat kind. hard to describe...too bad i couldnt take a pic.
After bgi, squeezed into Sir Ben's car. Alfie lucky...sit infront, then i sat ontop of shaobin, then squeezed with the rest, ruihan,ellice,cheryl. Cindy and serene was also inside, but then dropped off at a bustop. Damn funny la, when we 8ppl squeeze at the back of the car de shi hou, opposite got a traffic policeman on his motorbike, then we all damn scared tio
In the end Wah !!#@$@#$ while driving, got 1 road hump, then sir ben nvr see, still drive quite fast. Then my head ram into roof of the car! lol and i kept cursing all the way. Felt like vomitting after the car ride.
We reached serangoon market, ate hokkien mee , satay and chitchat chitchat all the way. Then took my bag from sir ben car then go to my parents car which was in the same carpark.
Damn sian la, on car ride home , my father kept lecturing me about not going Thailand trip, then keep giving his theories. Ya its true la, political situation not very good, but the trip is like 3mths later????? if got any big problems, they confirm cancel de trip de wat...sian la now i dunno whether should go on the trip ornot...-.-
Tmr study amaths. Do all my amaths work. Ask questions during tuition tmr. yea!
I must do well!
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