Today's open house was not bad =) haha performance never screw up. Was bored through out the whole day though, walked around the school visiting the various booths. Around 2plus I too sian le...just sit at sjab booth wait. Haha I find it enjoyable talking to the parents, explain about zhonghua and sjab. Got some parents praised me, said the way I talk to them very mature, and some said very detailed. haha tats good...
Rushed back home after settled the packing of the booth. Bath showered, then faster got out of the house and took 107 to marina to meet sjab ppl watch movie.
I got there nothing to do. Coincidentally there was a performance there, by Sesame Street! lol saw Elmo,cookie monster.
Met up with Sir ben, Mdm Candy , Mdm Hong Jin , alfie,zhenwei, shaobin and lishi. In the end never watch movie, but went to eat at this cool place called Billy Bomber. Wah...the food sibei shiok.
Ordered vanilla milkshake...wah shuang! xD
lol but total costed $23. Happy birthday to zhenwei, was to celebrate his birthday today.
After tat we squeezed into mdm candy's car, then she fetched us back. Wah...i damn shag right now, so shag until i dun wanna care about heroes even sia. nites!
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