Monday, August 17, 2009

I find it weird sometimes.
At times we're close as hell. But usually we aren't even talking at all.
Is this normal? I mean, if we're that good friends, why is it that almost everyday in class we don't talk at all? I know its not your fault...its just the way it is la.
I don't really understand it , but its too late to change le anyway.

Another matter is troubling me...
Its all because of that weird logic of mine -.-
Now I don't know what to do! Should I just make a move? or should I just erase that thought...
Should I just wait and see how? or should I do something now before this boat sails in the wrong direction.
Damn, this hesitation and uneasiness is sapping my confidence...and taking up precious space in my head. =( especially at a crucial period like this...before prelim2 and olvl.
Its always like the person just a friendly person?
I think I'm just like Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, thinking too much, expecting too much.
Forget it, just see how la...don't want to jump the gun.

Today while on the bus with kokshin and dave, we saw the grossest Singaporean ever!!!
We were taking bus 82 home then we sat at the back of the bus. Then there was this middle aged fat guy sitting opposite us. DAMN DIGUSTING
He picked his nose alotta times, and wiped it on the window ALOTTA times! The same spot where people always lean their head against the window to sleep!
-.- somemore still he sitting at the seat that i usually sit!!!! -.-


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