Monday, July 12, 2010

Today morning , while in my dad's car. I suddenly had a epiphany.
Out of nowhere, I realised what I wanted my life dream to be. I told some of my ac buddies about it during assembly, they found it rather amusing.
I don't blame them, because its rather random.
My dream is to one day visit japan with my soul mate. I want to be on a train with her, and this train will travel along one of japan's coast line, giving us a great view of the ocean.
Honestly, that's my dream =)
I really want to work hard towards it!
I need...

1. Money

2. Be able to speak japanese

3. To find my soul mate!

To earn lots of money...I definitely need good grades at school.

To speak Japanese I need to learn it somehow...either through classes...or books or something.

To find my soul mate...hmm...just gotta let fate decide I guess.

This simple dream of mine, I am going to chase it!


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