Today , 16 october 2009
I graduated from Zhonghua Secondary.
It seemed just like yesterday that I entered this school. The four years in this school have really changed me in many ways.
I was a pretty kaobei,guailan guy in sec 1. haha always losing my temper. That hot-temperedness of mine probably pissed many people off. Sorry!
Luckily I met shannen =) my first true friend, who not only tolerated me, but helped my get rid of that ugly side of me, hehe thanks alot shannen!
My reason initially to join sjab, haha was because it was disciplined, i wanted to keep fit and i wanted to learn something new. But sjab was much more than that. I am happy to have met all the people in sjab. I learned to be more resilient. My first sjab training camp, it was pretty tough for me. I will always remember the dinner on the first night. We were all at the canteen sitting upright and straight and nobody was talking.
I remember looking out into the basketball court, and I was thinking, "what have I gotten myself into...if the first day is already this tough, how am I going to survive the rest of the camp?"
But in the end I did, and I learned this saying from the officers.
"Tough Times Don't Last. Tough Men Do "
The ncos and officers really helped build up my discipline and toughness. I also made great friends in sjab. First Aid Competition ( FAC) training in sec 2 was also damn tough and tiring. Almost everyday me and the ambulance team had to stay back and go for fac training and I usually reached home at 8pm with lots of homework left, and tired. very tired. Its probably the reason why I usually fell asleep in class.
To me, shaobin alfie zhenwei ruihan li shi ellice cindy serene cheryl franchesca janicia , you guys are great pals! I hope we can always meet up every year and just hang out =)
lol i am very tired right now...drowsy flu medicine making me want to sleep..
In conclusion, sec1 sec2 years was great. There wasn't really ssp then. I remember usually the guys would always ask, ''after school want play basketball?'' but in sec3 and sec4, most people would ask , ''after school got ssp ma?''
I became more tough, resilient and less hot-tempered! I also learned to be more happy too =)
In sec 3, I got know some friends better. like Corrine Toh! haha weird that we didn't talk much in sec 1 and 2, but in 3e3, we became great friends! =)
Tzinyi too! you and your lameness, your sillyness, really make laugh.
Its like, only when I entered sec4, then I started to become really close to all my friends. Then I made new friends too, friends that I never imagined I would have. haha they are the people in 4E3 . At first I thought that I couldn't mix well with the everyone in the class, but it turned out I was wrong. Glad that I'm wrong. haha.
After going to zhonghua for 4 years, I've changed in many ways, and also made so many friends that have made these 4 years the best years of my life. I remember in primary school, I didn't really have much friends that were close to me. I didn't really know how to be likeable.
But now , when I look back at myself, I'm happy.
Happy to have friends like Toh, Zinc, Shannen, whom I can always talk my problems too.
Happy to have sjab friends whom I can always depend on no matter what.
Happy to have friends in my class that make every day a blast.
Happy to have friends to play basketball with =)
My 4 years in zhonghua has been wonderful!
I will never forget anybody and any moment in that school!
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