Lately I've been feeling down and sad about something. And right now , I just hope for the better, that things will change, cause its not the end of the world just because of something. Though it would be best if it got better, but if it can't , I've already tried my best to make it better, and I won't be full of regrets.
Watch the tv show Dexter on youtube, so nice to watch you know? Its about this guy who works for the police to take blood from murder victims to analyze. Then when he has this urge to kill people, so who does he kill? He kills people who escape justice, e.g man knocks down person but no guilty
See this guy on the left? he's dexter, the killer.
lol i sound like i reviewing some tv show.
One thing that has been bothering me lately is the fact that my cd and dvd drive cannot read cd/dvd!!! The problem with that is I cannot install computer games such as Granado Espada or Black and White 2 , or just burn cd!!!
Must Remember to get it fixed!!!
Tomorrow got oral exam, I wonder need to study or not? Hope I know how to read every single chinese word i come across. Hope for the better!
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