Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wow so fast 2007 is coming to an end, and 2008 is coming...
What I have learned this to learn from my mistakes and don't make these mistakes again.
Don't be so selfish, don't be naive, always believe in hope. Never Give Up.
I realise that though there are many people I like being around with, I realise that there are only a handful that can truly understand me and make me smile from the bottom of my heart.
This is the biggest mistake that I have made this year, not appreciating something you have until it is gone.
And I seriously regret it, but I can't be emo because it happened, must get over it and move on!
2007 was a damn good year, sadly it ended on a bad note for me.
I really hope next year would be different. So many things have happened in 2007 , plenty of good but some bad.
2008! Let it be meaningful year, not just for me, but for everybody! =)


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