Finally!!! I've finally bought Book 9 of my favourite manga,Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles by Clamp,this famous company that makes lots of nice mangas for people.

For those lazybones who would rather watch the anime on cable tv channels like Animax, i suggest you read the manga instead,as you need not wait for the second season to be shown.At least i couldn't wait,so i decided to try reading the manga.It is much better than the anime but i wish there would be colour in the manga though.
Sad....on this coming monday, i will be getting my results back.I'm not very confident but should i not get B4 overall for my higher chinese,i will no be able to be in 2e6 with my friends.So if i can't get into 2e6,there is only 1 thing for me to do........BEG MY CHINESE TEACHER TO LET ME STAY!!!!
My chinese tutor had a student who also had to change classes because he or she could not get b4, but he or she begged and got in!!!
So I'm going to pray that it works!!!