I remember I used to write this sentence at the start of my posts: Today was a good day! =)
Sadly, I seldom do that le, because I don't really enjoy myself THAT much in school these days. Its not that i don't enjoy it at all , its just that its not super duper fun or anything.
Sometimes I feel that I have very few friends in acjc. Sure, I got a bunch of friends in my class, but other than that, not much. My OG isn't really that bonded. I don't really know the people in my cca at all.
I also think I've given the impression to many ppl that I'm not friendly, cuz I kinda get irritated easily , especially when it comes to work =x
Sometimes i really feel unappreciated. and that sucks. hope i'm just thinking too much la.
I guess I just need some kind of assurance ba..
It's stupid sia.
I got a bunch of friends that I consider close with, but I still feel so alone?
I think I should smile more. Be more optimistic. More positive. More friendly. My usual self, then I can enjoy school more!!!
get rid of all my negative thoughts!!!
Going to get new phone le. Maybe getting an iphone or some other smart phone. Getting a hubstation for my tv too! Then i can record all my tv shows, and just watch it on friday nights when I am most free and relaxed =)
Hope it helps me concentrate on my work better since I can off the tv most of the time.
Going to fall asleep le. Here's a photo of me and my class. oh ya, I was abit sad too cuz I didn't take much photos during funorama =( in fact this was the only photo I took.
LOL i like taking photos with friends, but I kinda shy to say I want to take photo. I dunno why!