Despite having a crapload of work to do, I went for the esix bbq yesterday anyway.
It was fun! =) Long time never see them le.
Nostalgic...remembering our secondary school days.
JC is really too fast...soon its going to be the end of the year already, and I'm going to take my promos and pw exam, then next year its going to be the alvls and army after that.
Sigh....what happened to all those carefree days?
I really really miss secondary school life alot. I know its no use crying over spilt milk, but deep down inside me, I regret not going to ajc instead with shaun pek and the rest. Had I gone there, I would've joined the same cca as them, then at the very least I would still have that part of my secondary school life still with me. It's not that acjc isn't good, its just that maybe ajc could have been better.
But at least I still get to play bball and watch soccer with them every now and then. Sigh...but as we all get busier, we probably won't have time for these kinda stuff in the near future.

Right now I need to focus on my studies!