Bye bye! Tmr going vietnam le. Will buy stuff for all my friends! =)
Egg Car's Blog
My name is eik kar, but you can pronounce it as egg car. I LOVE MLTR. I LOVE ONE PIECE. I LOVE MANCHESTER UNITED. I LOVE MY FAMILY AND I LOVE MY FRIENDS. I was from zhonghua secondary, and I am studying at ACJC currently. But I will always miss my friends in zhonghua!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Today's open house was not bad =) haha performance never screw up. Was bored through out the whole day though, walked around the school visiting the various booths. Around 2plus I too sian le...just sit at sjab booth wait. Haha I find it enjoyable talking to the parents, explain about zhonghua and sjab. Got some parents praised me, said the way I talk to them very mature, and some said very detailed. haha tats good...
Rushed back home after settled the packing of the booth. Bath showered, then faster got out of the house and took 107 to marina to meet sjab ppl watch movie.
I got there nothing to do. Coincidentally there was a performance there, by Sesame Street! lol saw Elmo,cookie monster.
Met up with Sir ben, Mdm Candy , Mdm Hong Jin , alfie,zhenwei, shaobin and lishi. In the end never watch movie, but went to eat at this cool place called Billy Bomber. Wah...the food sibei shiok.
Ordered vanilla milkshake...wah shuang! xD
lol but total costed $23. Happy birthday to zhenwei, was to celebrate his birthday today.
After tat we squeezed into mdm candy's car, then she fetched us back. Wah...i damn shag right now, so shag until i dun wanna care about heroes even sia. nites!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
lol those were videos of our toc open house practice today. Planning to do an obstacle course like tat on saturday in the parade square. lol possible?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What the !@#$
I wasted another day away...
Can someone stop me???
Monday...probably have sjab meeting
Tuesday...course achieve, I still need plan footdrill format for my group.
Wednsday...civil defence course, 8am-4pm. 4pm - 6pm openhouse drill practice
Thurdays...Need go back school for the vietnam trip last prep.
Friday .... open house rehearsal =x
Saturday....Open house. before trip!
Monday...Vietnam here I come!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Woo Hoo! Tmr finally free.
Been waiting for this break for a long... time.
Heard got class chalet coming in december. woo hoo! =)
Today's course achieve was eventful and worthwhile going to teach the cadets.
Blah blah blah sjab...
After that ,went to eat laksa with shaobin alfie and lishi. Damn nice! sian though cuz i have cough and flu. Stupid school then i sick. Normally recess can go eat fruits de. Now no more recess so I eat less fruits....
Wah F.... la. I think its damn F sian to talk to some friends. I always DAMN F irritated by them, like do they treat me like friend ma -.-
Thats wat pisses me off!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Today was suppose to go jogging with corrine in the morning. Sigh...but it rained. So we postponed it...then corrine went back slp i think. 15mins later. Then rain stopped -.-
Today went to my grandma house to help pack up some of her stuff, cuz she moving out soon. My aunt was there, and so was her husband. I call him uncle bill, nice guy. He works in this super duper international financial consultation company called Grant Thornton. I told him abt my vietnam trip then he offered me his name card, say tat his company got a branch in ho chi minh city, need any help dun hesitate to ask. I realise i have such caring relatives! :)
2 more uncles came, chatted with them too. Then me and my mum went to marina square buy new track shoes for me.
DAMN. Tmr got chem and need stay back to prepare for sch open house. Sigh..
Then 4pm got meeting. Tues and wed got course achieve...
Haiz...I go slp le. nites
Friday, November 07, 2008
Finally! No more supplementary lessons le!
Tmr going watch madagascar with alicia. haha she treat me, i think must be got free ticket.
Holidays finally come le. Tired. But luckily now can rest ba. I go sleep le, nites!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Yesterday was a great day a marina barrage again =)
Too bad today i cant go hcl tuition at 8.30, need study and do hw -.-
Damn the olvl i have a fear of not being able to get A1...
Yesterday the booth had more prizes to give out. damn sian, see the ugly side of singaporeans. Got so many keep asking to exchange prize...
then there were these free-old changkee curry puff coupons. then got like 3ppl keep coming back to my booth ask for it -.-
After we reached back zhonghua, we went to a prata house near the school eat prata! ordered 1 of each type of prata, then passed around and around. lol wah eat until today morning stomach ache..
Another sunset...
Thats Mr Muscle...freaking wide sia he...
LoL stuff I "Won" from the booth. Lightbulb, towel, and a toilet bowl cleaner!?
We ate alot of prata!
Wish I could be at the marina barrage...then can eat dinner with all of them. sigh...another time la.
When at the mrt today, I saw this very cool quote.
We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is still the same.
That is damn true. I gonna put it as my pm for as long as possible.
Today went to some garden near st gabriel primary do cip project again...''pop the balloon''. Lots of Sun. Lots of millipedes. Lots of people. Saw Goh Chok Tong too! He came to play our game with another mp. haha cool. I saw the PM and Senior Minister in the span of 3 days. haha now left the Minister Mentor!
I go slp now, cya. RMB TO TAG IF U READ THIS.
I was pretty sian yesterday. Extra lessons...chem spa exam, then after school still have physics spa..then thinking of 3days of cip friday saturday and sunday. Really didn't want to go to the marina barrage le. Then when discussing with miss tan abt our sunday cip project, I told her how much i didn't want to go to the marina barrage...then she told me it would be an unforgettable experience.
Turns out that was true! Manned a booth with jacob and reynold. At first it seemed kinda boring. But then seeing all those ppl play the silly game and have fun, quite satisfying in a way. We all fooled around, went to other ppl's booth play around too. When the prime minister was at the roof top giving his speech, me and jacob went up to see him. haha not bad, the real man in the flesh.
Took a boat ride with liting,leona,bridget,boonkiat,limpin,tzinyi,jacob,yanling,eileen and mr low. haha quite relaxing. I sat at the back, gaze into night sky, contemplated the future. Had alot of fun yesterday! and i quote elieen "Today we are like scotchtape, tmr we are double-sided tape, by sunday, we are superglue." haha that is very true.
We took pics yesterday, with Adrian Pang, and the daohui guy from phua chu kang. haha.
After we reached back zhonghua, we went to central, bought daohui, sat down in the playground, and ate daohui. Wow...this feeling , its been lost for a long time, glad its back again =)
Haha played ice and water with lishi,sibyl,eileen and liting. lol kinda childish, but fun!
Let today be another fun day! =)
Another side of the singapore flyer nobody has ever seen i bet..
The relaxing boat ride...