Today was a DAMN GOOD DAY!
Collecting results today was damn scary...
When I saw that my name wasn't in the top30 students listed on the screen, I was pretty upset...and disappointed. I thought I had screwed up, because the 30th student had an L1R5 of 8pts, which was what I had hoped for....and then I saw that hcl passes was not 100%, I seriously was like, die le die le, even if I get 9 or 10 pts, I won't have a guaranteed spot in Anderson JC.
Then I started thinking...sian, if I can go Nanyang Jc , I very happy le, I will work very hard so that I won't get disappointed for A levels...
LoL sian sia, at first we were arranged in our sec3 register number, and my register number was 8.
But they last minute tell us change, then become I at the very back -.-
lol when it was finally my turn, I was like, ren ming la ren ming...never do well only can blame yourself...
Then mrs koh told me: " You got all As, except your higher chinese you got C6"
Then I was like , WTF SERIOUS!? I PASS MY HCL!???
then I shouted "YESSSSSSSS!!!!! I PASSED MY HCL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol damn happy.
hehe some people might think I trying to show off or what by saying all my results, but seriously, I'm just happy and proud of myself =)
A1: Chinese, Amaths, Combined Humanities( SS/Geog)
A2: Emaths, Chemistry, Physics, English
C6: Higher Chinese . lol
I dunno how my combined humanities got A1 sia....I studied venice leh..and abit of globalisation...then geog paper the last question on one topic called Causation Effect, dunno what thing, I bullshit. lol seriously damn heng
Higher chinese, 45mins chiong out a lousy bao zhang bao dao, lucky can pass.
Emaths,chem, I abit sad la...wanted an A1.
lol physics I never complete the paper, and I alot of questions like anyhow do, lucky to get A2.
Went to play bball with shaun, weibing, yicheng, claudia, jacob, chitann, dave, huafei, guancheng and zhigang.
Was quite fun.
After that, went to claudia's house for awhile, then me dave claudia and guancheng went to meet up with uchan at amk hub. shannen was there too...but she had to go home.
We watched this movie called the fourth kind. lol creepy and weird movie based on real story.
Wasnt very scary, but yea...just weird movie.
Okay movie.
After that we took 136 to upper serangoon road to eat ponggol nasi lemak!
Next we went opposite to eat beancurd. Then we went to kovan to wait for claudia and uchan's bus, while guancheng took the mrt.
lol was great sia, we chatted alot. Glad that there is still 2e6'07 class chalet, it will definitely be fun =)
Those that don't even bother to try to make it for the chalet, can just screw off man. Shaun and I put in effort to organise, but these people not even interested in going at all, I nothing to say.
Tomorrow going to go Nanyang JC open house with dave huafei joycelyn and audrey.
Next day probably going sajc, acjc and ajc open house.
good night. cya! =)